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Yesterday the Lord led me to pray through the last part of Romans 12 and the part that stuck out to me was “rejoice with those rejoice and mourn with those who mourn”.  Well unfortunately there are way too many mourning here.  Yesterday I found out one of the girls at the high school we are working at died.  She wasn’t in our Bible Study but this school is the one I worked at last year and I’m definitely mourning with them.

The reason I’m posting this is because the girl’s family has literally nothing and they can’t afford a coffin ($200) or the cost of transporting the coffin ($100).  The Principal at the school as well as the parliament member for the area has rallied together those in the community to help and they’ve got $175 so $125 still remains.  Ask the Lord, don’t do it on emotion, ask the Lord if He wants you to contribute to helping this family.  You can email me or just post a comment and i’ll let you know where you can send the money.

I just keep saying, “Lord, I’m so tired of all this death around me, I’m just tired of it!”  At the same time on Monday the Lord led me through Matthew 5 and told me again, those who mourn will be comforted and blessed.  Lord we need your comfort.  Thank you for letting me be your hands and feet today.  We are leaving for the school now and I’m not sure what we’ll find, if we need to counsel students, go to the families’ house…I know most of you are sleeping now so I’ll update you tomorrow…

One response to “Mourn with those who mourn”

  1. your note just arrived, and i’m not sleeping. at 120am. thanks for sharing, will be praying. i’m sure that others here will join you in mourning and helping the mourners. sad news. do send info on helping out. will be praying for you and group as you meet the day, not sure what it holds. god will go with you and be in your midst.