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I remember the first time I got up in front of the congregation at church and told them how the Lord had called me to Swaziland and I needed financial and prayer support to go for two years. I came home and cried my eyes out; it was the most humbling thing I had ever done. Stick me in a mud hut with no electricity but please don’t make me ask for money.

Well, the time has come for me to go to Swaziland again and wouldn’t you know it, the airline is still asking for money. This time I’m just going for a two-week trip and I’m leaving in late August. The purpose has several purposes – 1) There are three faithful Swazi women who have been carrying out the Bible Studies since I’ve left and I want to go love on and encourage them. 2) Last December I went to a very rural part of Swaziland where orphans and widows were literally starving. My church just put money together and bought them blankets and food and I’m going to go check up on them and encourage and love on my brothers and sisters in Christ. 3) The reason I’m going at this particular time is because one of my best friends is getting married and she’s asked me to be part of the ceremony.

I need to raise $2000 for my flight, food, and transportation while I’m there. My friend, Natalie (who also used to live in Swaziland) and I are selling t-shirts to raise money for our trip. DISCLAIMER – THEY ARE GIRLY SHIRTS, SEE THE PICTURE. MEN, BUY THEM FOR YOUR WIVES, DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, MOTHERS… Anyway, you can buy a t-shirt and support the trip or you can support the trip and get a free t-shirt, however you want to look at it.

Here’s how:

  1. Bakersfield people – You can send me give me cash or check for $20/shirt and let me know what size you want. They are unisex adult t-shirts and will shrink.
  2. Non-Bakersfieldians –
    1. You can send a check for $25/shirt (extra added for shipping) and I will mail you the shirt. Address – 7604 Okanagan Ct., Bakersfield, CA 93309. Make sure you tell me what size shirt.
    2. If you have a PayPal account you can give $25 by clicking the “send money” tab and type in my email address ( Make sure for the reason you click the “personal” tab and click “gift”. Make sure you tell me what size shirt.
  3. Forward this email to friends who would be interested in purchasing a shirt.

I need to raise money ASAP to buy my plane ticket before prices go up.

Pray for me, this is not about plane tickets or t-shirts or fundraising, the Lord’s up to more than that and He is using this to stretch me once again.

2 responses to “Beauty for Ashes T-shirt – Get Becca to Swaziland”

  1. Great idea! I will pray about getting a shirt and will definitely pass this along. I know your trip will be blessed by the Lord and productive. God bless you!