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Last Tuesday, I picked up Faith Riley from the airport to join our team to teach the Bible Studies in the high schools.  Faith is here until Aug 10 and is a great asset to the team.  She is going to help tremendously in carrying the load here.  Lord, thank you for sending Faith.





Little bit about Faith:

      1)      Age:  23

2)      Occupation:  Student at Kennesaw Univ, graduates in December with a Bachelors in International Affairs.  She is on summer break and saved up money and came here.

3)      Hometown:  Atlanta, Georgia

4)      How Faith met Becca:  Becca and Faith were in Zambia on a team together in 2006 for 1 month teaching Beat the Drum there.  She left a piece of her heart in Africa and knew the Lord would bring her back. 

5)      Funniest story since she’s been here:  Faith and Phumlile went on public transport to the capital city, Mbabane, to help with a ministry there.  In the bus rank, Faith noticed Phumlile was holding her phone.  “How’d you get that”? Faith asked.  “I got it from him” Phumlile said “He was stealing your phone”.  Somehow as a man pulled Faith’s phone out of her purse Phumlile snatched it out of his hand and the guy was just standing there in shock.  Phumlile is awesome!

6)      Other tidbits – Faith is a vegetarian and almost fell over when she found a section at the grocery story of vegetarian “meat”.  She also comes alive when she is around children.

4 responses to “Increasing in Faith”

  1. That is soooo exciting that Faith is there!! Please tell her I say hello. I actually just thought of her this past weekend because I ran into a student that looks a lot like her and I couldn’t decide for a split second if it was Faith or my former student!! So much fun to have her there.

  2. Yeah! I’m glad that Faith is there and that things are going well for the two of you! I miss you both and will enjoy reading about your adventures together!

  3. Phone story is definitely a classic!! yay, skoni!! :-)vegetarian, huh? that explains why she had to keep explaining herself to everyone at your house the other night when he had KFC…so we get to hang out Friday,yay!!