I went to the high school yesterday (Friday afternoon) to teach the girls. They are in the middle of finals (they last for a month here) and i could tell they were tired not to mention hungry and were having trouble listening to what i was saying. We read through Lamentations and they were listening but when i pulled out the picture of my grandma to show them and told them how she had hope amidst her physical suffering because of God’s mercies and compassions they were all sitting on the edge of their seats. I love that Oma is still being used by God, even now.
We then read 1 Peter 5:7 about casting all of their burdens on to Jesus because He cares for them. I pulled out a packet of notecards and told them to write down 1 anxious thought per notecard and to write EVERY thought that had been worrying them in the last few days. I ran to my car quickly while they were doing this and when i came back the floor was covered in white notecards. Oh, the burdens that these young girls here carry. We finished the pack of notecards and they were asking for more so i had to scrounge for paper to tear up and give to them.
When they were finished i had them pick up the note cards and stuff them into the pockets of one of my winter coats. I had placed a few cans of soup in the pockets as well and after the notecards were in, i made each one of them put the coat on and try to move around and explain to me what they felt. Then i took the coat off and ask them to explain that feeling. Of course with the coat it was “heavy, dragging me down, making me tired” and without the coat it was “free, easy to move, life”.
Why do i hang on to worries and meditate on them? What good has it ever done for me? Why do i carry burdens i was not created to carry? Why do i not take the opportunity to give them to one is who strong enough to carry them and not only strong enough but begs me to give them to him?
Lord, i pray that we would cast all of our burdens on you and you would give them freedom and life when they do. Thank you that your yoke is light and you want our burdens. Keep us from taking them back upon ourselves. In Jesus name, Amen.