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Update on Swazie

Most of you may remember about a year ago I wrote an excited email that a young, girl named Swazie had accepted Christ as her Savior.  I met Swazie while visiting her high school last year with Beat the Drum.…


“…The wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates have been burned with fire.  When i heard these things, I sat down and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven” (Nehemiah 1:3b-4) Nehemiah is God’s leaders manual from…

Life is a Blessing

I’ve never realized how precious and fragile life is before I lived in Swaziland.  When I arrived in Swaziland last week I called friends to see how they were doing since I’d been gone.  Two that I’m involved in ministry with…


There’s an old country song, I can’t even remember who sings it any more…I can just picture his long, blonde hair sticking out of the black cowboy hat but I remember part of the chorus that says “the only thing…


brides maid n. a bride’s attendant, usually unmarried. at ·tend ant n. one who attends to another at ·tend v.t. & i. 1, to be present at 2, go with; accompany 3, take care of; minister to; serve 4,listen to…