
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

I went to a Christian University and studied Intercultural Studies, I have heard this verse so many times.  The Lord reminded me of it about a month and I thought, yes Lord I understand that verse and I’m following that.  I’m making disciples in a foreign nation and teaching them to obey your commands in regards to sexual purity.  “Bec, you left out the middle section, the baptizing part”  “Lord, I’m not a pastor, i’ve not been trained in how to baptize someone, I can’t, i’m inadequate”.  I realized if I didn’t do it, I would be disobedient.  He also reminded me of Philip who baptized the Ethiopian in Acts 8.  As a last resort to get out of it, i went to Pastor Jethro, a local pastor close to the school i work at and asked him what he thought about me baptizing them.  He said “Well, what comes to mind is Philip and the Ethiopian…”  He agreed to help me with the baptisms and the rest is in these pictures.

We had 8 girls come.  Okay, it was almost comical because after the Pastor explained what baptism was and what it represented he then had to explain that getting in a pool was not scary, it was just like bathing.  Most of the girls had never been in a pool and were deathly afraid.  The girl in the second picture, Gcinile, almost didn’t go through with it because she was so scared. 

Lord, I love that you use me as inadequate as I am to obey your Word.  I love that it was only 7 years ago that I was baptized in a river in Arizona on a mission trip and through your refining fire and redemptive work, I am now baptizing…you never cease to amaze me what you ask me to do.  I love you!

5 responses to “Baptisms”

  1. That is so beautiful! I feel like I write that word in most of the messages I write! Way to defeat the enemy! I so easily forget about that part of the verse too…Praise God that he doesn’t let us forget things or do things on our own! Are you going home for the holidays?

  2. Well done Becca, you have done what He asks and will experience the fruit of your obedience, just continue follow hard after the Lord Jesus! We are missing you already and you haven’t even left yet!
    Love you

  3. Sweet Becca!

    What beautiful photos! I love getting glimpses of the fruit you are bearing! I am thankful, that the pastor “helped” and did not take that opportunity away from you. I pray that your “spiritual” children multiply 10 fold as they tell others. Praying for you!

  4. What a blessing!! What a praise!! It’s amazing to stop and think about what you were doing one year ago, and what these girls were doing one year ago, and then to see these pictures and behold what God has been doing in everyone’s lives is just awesome. Our God is at work! Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience:).

  5. This is beautiful-thank you for sharing, and especially the pics. Your obedience is precious and inspiring Becca!