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      Paul said to the Philippians that to make His joy complete the body of Christ would be one in Spirit and in purpose.  Well, I know Paul would be happy with my new friendship with Lindo.  Lindo is the daughter to the late Swaziland ambassador to the United States and Lindo lived in the New York from age 8 to 23 when the Lord burdened her for her home country and specifically the women of Swaziland.  She moved back while the rest of her family continued residing in the U.S.  Lindo is helping her husband lead Abundant Life Church in Mbabane (the capital).  


My passion is to impart to the young women of Swaziland their identity in Christ and to see them follow hard after the Lord in righteousness and purity.  There are things that I’ve only dreamed and talked about with the Lord to do for the girls of Swaziland and when I met Lindo only 2 weeks ago she was verbalizing these dreams – I couldn’t believe it, there’s no way anyone would have known I had been praying about these things – but it was confirmation these were not my desires but the Lord’s desires because Lindo wants the same things.  One of my awesome Adventure in Missions co-laborers, Julie, and I had been throwing around the idea of a girls drop in center.  A safe place for girls to come after school and study, receiving counseling, be trained in life skills, and a place for studying God’s Word.  When I met Lindo, this was her “next step” in her ministry with a group she leads called Daughters of Virtue.  They’ve been meeting twice a month for the last 3 years, studying God’s Word and living life together but also learning things like cooking and dancing and sewing.  Next Saturday, I’ll be taking the Daughters of Virtue group through the Cherish Bible Study but this is the beginning of a relationship and really of furthering the Kingdom of God among the young women of Swaziland.

            Will you pray for us?  We are right now looking for a place in Mbabane to open a center so we have been praying for the right location of the center for the girls.  Lindo also knows a lot of the leadership of this country and has great influence so pray that the leadership of Swaziland would also have the same desire to restore the identity of the young women in Swaziland.

            I’m so excited about this, Lindo is so excited about this.  It’s great because this is a Swazi woman wanting to change her country which is how it has to be.  Swaziland has to help themselves, I’m just here to serve in any way that I can.  It’s also great because Lindo knows the Swazi culture and the American culture so we just get each other.  I’ve now heard that Lindo was told that this year was going to bring her “destiny helpers” to further Daughters of Virtue.  She began to pray earnestly for this and then I met a woman from her congregation randomly who said I should meet her pastor’s wife…that’s how the Lord is.  I have to admit, it’s fun to be an answer to prayer. 

(Lindo asked me to share at her church last Sunday)

4 responses to “Lindo”

  1. Becca…that is SOOO Exciting!!! God is so faithufl…why do we act surprised by this? I am so excited for both of you. I am sure Lindo is so, so, so blessed by you. And a “Swazi/America”…that is so great for you. Praise be to God, Hallelujah!! I’m excited to hear about the building he WILL find for you…and soon, I pray. Love you.

  2. This is so exciting! Thanks for letting us know what is going on and how to pray. I know you will soon be posting a picture of the drop in center!!

  3. Isn’t that confirmation great??? Keep up the great selfless work,Becca. God is good, all the time. I think of you often and pray for you always……ellen