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Moses, Pray for Joshua

When the Lord told me I was supposed to go back to California I cried the whole weekend. I was in mourning. On Sunday morning I was crying at the Lord’s feet and He said “I’m going to turn your mourning into dancing (Jeremiah 31:13). That did make me smile because I thought “you have got to be kidding me”, I’m too upset to do anything but sit here and cry…

“It’s better for my kingdom if you go” he whispered. He began to reveal to me that these precious 3 girls that were working with me were to go carry on the work after I’ve left. He reminded me that when He called me here He was inviting me to join the work He had already began and now that I was leaving He would continue to work.

“You’re Moses, pray for Joshua” He said and of course I said, “What does that mean”. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery but Joshua led them into their Promise Land. So I asked who Joshua was and He brought one of the girls to mind, one who I’ve come to call Fufu J. Since there were 3 girls working with me, I didn’t want to “promote” one and cause jealousy so I asked the Lord to confirm that Fufu was “Joshua”. 

Tuesday morning, I woke up and the Lord led me to read about Moses since He had said that I was “Moses”. I started with Moses’ mom putting him in the basket of course and read the first few chapters of Exodus. When I got to the office that day I was meeting with the Cherish team and Fufu says “I had the strangest dream. I had a dream that my mom took me down to a river and put me in and I was screaming but it’s like she was saying ‘it’s ok’. I floated down and this other woman found me in the river and picked me up and I went and lived with her”. When I picked my mouth off the floor I said “Let’s pray girls”. We began praying and I looked up the ceiling and mouthed “are you serious?” to the Lord. This was his confirmation that I was supposed to tell the team and I love the way He orchestrated it since it was obvious that it was the Lord who chose Fufu and not me. 
  Do me a favor, do Fufu a favor, do the young women of Swaziland a favor – Pray for Joshua!!