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Ready to Go

he sun has set on my restoration time…in a word – DIVINE!
After being allowed to extend my departure date back to Swaziland I went stayed with my friend, Amanda, and her family in San Diego for 3 weeks.
During this time I did an in depth Beth Moore study of Nehemiah and was absolutely blown away at how much Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem applies to God wanting to rebuild Swaziland spiritually. I gained so much insight into godly leadership and really how to accomplish a task God has called you to (from initial burden to completion of the task) and keeping Him in the center of it for His glory!
I also read
Search for Significance by Robert McGee and
Walking with the Poor written by the President of World Vision. Through these two books God gently pointed out things he wants to work on in my life as well as renewed the Passion in me for discipling the Swazi high school girls.
God really showed up as I sought him with my whole heart and just enjoyed rich fellowship with Him and out of the overflow of that I’m ready to go back to Swaziland and I cannot wait. I praise God that I finally feel ready to go back and I am so excited for this next year in Swaziland.  Praise the Lord!
I leave Sunday February 11th and would appreciate your prayers as a lot will be changing for me. I’ve now changed organizations, i’ll be moving, buying a car, working with a new team, etc.  I’m spending my last few days in Bakersfield getting ready to go!
Praise the Lord. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Prov. 16:3